Soft Shore

Soft Shore Design & Build

Manage erosion by leaving your shoreline in a natural state

Soft Shore

Soft shore design & build is a more natural looking alternative to bulkheads. Soft bank protection uses natural materials such as anchored logs, rocks, spawning gravel, and native vegetation to control erosion and enhance fish habitat. It is a good solution for slowing or eliminating erosion to your property when a harder shore armoring bulkhead is not permissible.

Soft shore is well suited for use in low energy and inner tidal areas. It helps to control erosion and helps to collect sediment along with wetland vegetation which are key in restoring habitat. You can also add gravel, sand and plants to dampen the impact waves.


Armored bulkhead removal
Improved waterfront access
Beaches and coves
Shoreline erosion protection
Shoreline enhancement for fish and the ecosystem
Removal of intrusive shoreline structures
Pilings removal and disposal
Planting mitigation plan
Material and equipment delivery for lakefront landscaping
Professional design, engineering and permitting

Soft Shore
Soft Shore
Soft Shore
Soft Shore